What if you could call on SANS experts for training that fits your schedule?

Promo If you’re on the front line of cyber security, this has been a year like no other, with new threats emerging even as the great shift to home working has exposed long ignored weaknesses in existing infrastructure.

Luckily SANS Institute, one of the most venerable names in security training, has brought its world beating events online, allowing you to continue to take its live courses, virtually. But sometimes the demands of the day job mean even this is hard to fit around your schedule.

So perhaps what you need is SANS OnDemand: Self-Paced Online Training. This option is available for 55 SANS Institute cyber security training courses, all of which are taught using recorded instruction from SANS’ top drawer instructors, along with hands-on labs and exercises. But you’re not left entirely on your own – you’ll also get to live chat with GIAC certified subject matter experts.

Recent additions to the line-up include:

They are in addition to popular courses such as Security Essentials Bootcamp Style, Windows Forensic Analysis and Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking, or SANS’ more specialist courses, such as Defeating Advanced Adversaries – Purple Team Tactics and Kill Chain Defenses, Essentials for NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection or Smartphone Forensic Analysis In-Depth.

Once you sign up, you’ve got four months to complete the course, compared to the typical four to six days needed for one of SANS scheduled sessions.

Most of SANS’ courses are eligible for industry recognised accreditations (GIAC), leaving your peers in no doubt of the skills you’ve accumulated.

You’ll also get access to SANS’s NetWars Continuous, giving you the chance to apply your skills in a friendly environment – and hopefully pick up some new ones along the way. Netwars covers a vast range of scenarios and exercises, including Command Line Kung Fu, WAF Evasion, Binary Exploitation and Fuzzing.

And if you’re a little tired of sitting in front of the PC, don’t worry. SANS courses are designed to be enjoyed on anything from a 7 inch tablet upwards. So, even when you’re working from home, you can still polish your skills from your sofa, or anywhere else you might find yourself seated.

So, wherever you are, and whatever you want to learn, head to the SANS Institute website now, and start learning.

Paid for by SANS Institute