zero-day exploit

Microsoft Secure

Analyzing attacks that exploit the CVE-2021-40444 MSHTML vulnerability

This blog details our in-depth analysis of the attacks that used the CVE-2021-40444, provides detection details and investigation guidance for Microsoft 365 Defender customers, and lists mitigation steps for hardening networks against this and similar attacks.
The post Analyzing attacks that exploit the CVE-2021-40444 MSHTML vulnerability appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog. READ MORE HERE…

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Microsoft Secure

Protecting customers from a private-sector offensive actor using 0-day exploits and DevilsTongue malware

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) alongside the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) has uncovered a private-sector offensive actor, or PSOA, that we are calling SOURGUM in possession of now-patched, Windows 0-day exploits (CVE-2021-31979 and CVE-2021-33771).
The post Protecting customers from a private-sector offensive actor using 0-day exploits and DevilsTongue malware appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog. READ MORE HERE…

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Microsoft Secure

Taking apart a double zero-day sample discovered in joint hunt with ESET

In late March 2018, I analyzed an interesting PDF sample found by ESET senior malware researcherAnton Cherepanov. The sample was initially reported to Microsoft as a potential exploit for an unknown Windows kernel vulnerability. During my investigation in parallel with ESET researchers, I was surprised to discover two new zero-day exploits in the same PDF. Read more READ MORE HERE…

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