87% of Cloud Pros Say Visibility Masks Security

The majority of cloud IT professionals find a direct link between network visibility and business value, new data shows.

Most (84%) businesses increased their cloud-based workloads in 2018, but lack of visibility into those workloads could compromise security and business value, cloud experts report. Only 13% of companies surveyed reported the same level of public cloud usage as the previous year.

These findings come from “The State of Cloud Monitoring,” a new report released today by Keysight, which polled 300-plus IT professionals who handle public and private cloud deployments in global organizations across 15 countries. Nearly seven out of 10 respondents said public cloud monitoring is more difficult than monitoring data centers and private cloud environments, and less than 20% said their organizations can properly monitor public cloud environments.

The lack of visibility is masking security threats, according to 87% of respondents. It also leads to a variety of application and network performance issues, including the inability to deliver against service agreements. Most (95%) pros said visibility problems led to an application or network performance issue, and 99% reported they notice a direct link between network visibility and business value.

What problems does this lack of visibility cause? Delays with troubleshooting application performance issues (48%) were most common, followed by delays in troubleshooting network performance issues (40%), an application outage (38%), and the inability to monitor performance of workloads in the cloud (31%), which tied with network outage (31%).

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