Guide to Better Extended Threat Detection and Response (XDR)

Discover how XDR can enhance threat detection and response to improve a SecOps team’s efficiency and outcomes. Read More HERE…

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2023 Review: Reflecting on Cybersecurity Trends

Every year, experts weigh in with predictions of what the big cybersecurity trends will be—but how often are they right? That’s the question Trend Micro’s Greg Young and Bill Malik asked recently on their Real Cybersecurity podcast, looking at what forecasters got wrong on a wide range of topics, from AI to human factors. Read More HERE…

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023: 4 Actionable Tips

Make Cybersecurity Awareness Month a year-long initiative with these three actionable security tips to reduce cyber risk across the attack surface. Read More HERE…

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4 Popular Cybersecurity Myths vs. Facts

Any cybersecurity approach is only as strong as its underlying assumptions. What happens when those assumptions are wrong? Find out where confusion about cybersecurity facts can lead organizations astray. Read More HERE…

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4 Generative AI Security Benefits

It may be some time before generative AI security can autonomously mitigate cyber threats, but we’re already seeing early examples of how AI models can strengthen enterprise cybersecurity in powerful and transformative ways. Read More HERE…

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How a Cyber Security Platform Addresses the 3 “S”

Explore how a security platform can help organizations address the 3 “S” impacting cybersecurity: stealth, sustainability, and shortage. Read More HERE…

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What is Secure Web Gateway’s (SWG) Role in Zero Trust?

Explore why secure web gateway (SWG) is important to effectively secure cloud resources and reduce cyber risk across the attack surface and the role a zero trust strategy can play. Read More HERE…

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Cyber Risk Management in 2023: The People Element

Explore the latest findings from Trend Micro’s Cyber Risk Index (2H’2022) and discover how to enhance cybersecurity risk management across the digital attack surface. Read More HERE…

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Manage Cyber Risk with a Platform Approach

Discover how a platform approach can best assist and support security operations teams with a cyber risk management so you can be more resilient with less resources. Read More HERE…

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