Guide to Better Extended Threat Detection and Response (XDR)

Discover how XDR can enhance threat detection and response to improve a SecOps team’s efficiency and outcomes. Read More HERE…

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Unifying Cloud Security Beyond Siloes

Attacks don’t stay in siloes, and neither should your security solutions. Explore the benefits of a cybersecurity platform that consolidates security across multiple layers—including the cloud—for more proactive risk management. Read More HERE…

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Securing Cloud Infrastructure Demands a New Mindset

Rising attacks on cloud infrastructure and services have created a ‘shared fate’ scenario for cloud providers and users, where a successful breach means everybody loses. Fresh thinking and closer collaboration can help avoid that outcome and better protect public cloud resources. Read More HERE…

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How to Embrace a Cloud Security Challenge Mindset

CISOs responsible for tackling cloud security challenges need to rethink traditional security practices, protect apps and infrastructure they don’t control, and justify enterprise security investments. Trend Micro’s Bryan Webster told the AWS SecurityLIVE! audience it can all be done—by embracing ‘cloud values’ and leveraging the existing skills of cloud development teams. Read More HERE…

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023: 4 Actionable Tips

Make Cybersecurity Awareness Month a year-long initiative with these three actionable security tips to reduce cyber risk across the attack surface. Read More HERE…

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