ZINC weaponizing open-source software

In recent months, Microsoft detected weaponization of legitimate open-source software by an actor the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) tracks as ZINC, targeting employees at media, defense and aerospace, and IT service provider organizations in the US, UK, India, and Russia.
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Oversharing and safety in the age of social media

So how do you protect yourself from theft of personal or proprietary company information in public? The super obvious, somewhat flippant answer is: don’t share any of this type of information in public. But, at times, this is easier said than done. If you travel as much as I do, it becomes impossible to refrain from conducting some confidential business whilst you are on the road. So how do you actually protect yourself?
The post Oversharing and safety in the age of social media appeared first on Microsoft Security. READ MORE HERE…

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What Enterprise Leaders Should know about Persistent Threats in 2019

Staving off critical threats in the current cybersecurity landscape is a tall order for any size organization. As hackers continually shift and improve upon their attack and breach strategies, IT and security stakeholders must do their best to keep up and remain informed of these trends. This is one of the best and most successful…
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Tackling phishing with signal-sharing and machine learning

Across services in Microsoft Threat Protection, the correlation of security signals enhances the comprehensive and integrated security for identities, endpoints, user data, cloud apps, and infrastructure. Our industry-leading visibility into the entire attack chain translates to enriched protection thats evident in many different attack scenarios, including flashy cyberattacks, massive malware campaigns, and even small-scale, localized
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Machine learning vs. social engineering

Machine learning is a key driver in the constant evolution of security technologies at Microsoft. Machine learning allows Microsoft 365 to scale next-gen protection capabilities and enhance cloud-based, real-time blocking of new and unknown threats. Just in the last few months, machine learning has helped us to protect hundreds of thousands of customers against ransomware, Read more READ MORE HERE…

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Enhancing Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection with detonation-based heuristics and machine learning

Email, coupled with reliable social engineering techniques, continues to be one of the primary entry points for credential phishing, targeted attacks, and commodity malware like ransomware and, increasingly in the last few months, cryptocurrency miners. Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) uses a comprehensive and multi-layered solution to protect mailboxes, files, online storage, and applications Read more READ MORE HERE…

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