Analyzing attacks taking advantage of the Exchange Server vulnerabilities

Microsoft continues to monitor and investigate attacks exploiting the recent on-premises Exchange Server vulnerabilities. As organizations recover from this incident, we continue to publish guidance and share threat intelligence to help detect and evict threat actors from affected environments.
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Automatic on-premises Exchange Server mitigation now in Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Microsoft Defender Antivirus and System Center Endpoint Protection will automatically mitigate CVE-2021-26855 on any vulnerable Exchange Server on which it is deployed. We have taken this additional step to further support our customers who are still vulnerable and have not yet implemented the complete security update.
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How to get Ahead of Vulnerabilities and Protect your Enterprise Business

Security vulnerabilities are popping up all the time, and can put any business that uses technological assets at risk. In a nutshell, vulnerabilities represent the ideal opportunity for malicious actors to break into systems and wreak all types of havoc. From data theft to information compromise and beyond, vulnerabilities are a particularly pertinent issue for…
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The Fileless, Non-Malware Menace

There’s an old expression: if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. What happens, though, if the duck in question is malware that doesn’t behave like typical malware? Namely, it doesn’t drop a file on your disk to infect your computer, hijack…
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