What tracking an attacker email infrastructure tells us about persistent cybercriminal operations

Sweeping research into massive attacker infrastructures, as well as our real-time monitoring of malware campaigns and attacker activity, directly inform Microsoft security solutions, allowing us to build or improve protections that block malware campaigns and other email threats, both current and future, as well as provide enterprises with the tools for investigating and responding to email campaigns in real-time.
The post What tracking an attacker email infrastructure tells us about persistent cybercriminal operations appeared first on Microsoft Security. READ MORE HERE…

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Human-operated ransomware attacks: A preventable disaster

In human-operated ransomware attacks, adversaries exhibit extensive knowledge of systems administration and common network security misconfigurations, perform thorough reconnaissance, and adapt to what they discover in a compromised network.
The post Human-operated ransomware attacks: A preventable disaster appeared first on Microsoft Security. READ MORE HERE…

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